Aliens 3

“We're All Gonna' Die. The Only Question Is How You Check Out. Do You Want It On Your Feet, Or On Your F***in' Knees...Begging” - Dillon

A new movie, a new director. Alien 3 is directed by David Fincher, and I would guess that this should be my favorite. When looking through reviews, a lot of people say this is when the franchise falls off, and I have to push back on that. Is it worse than the first 2, definitely, but any series hits speed bumps. As Alien focuses on suspense and Aliens on action, what is left for Alien 3? It tried to do a mix of both, which does work, but where I think most would agree the fall is the gimmick they try to pull to make it unique. Right away, I will say it crossed my mind to turn it off and be done. I try my best to be mostly spoiler free, and if you read my last review and seen this film you should know exactly what I am talking about. Overall, I do think it adds to the series in some ways of creating depth, but it does have a decent amount of flaws. My score may be high, but I said what I said.



Wow. I could not imagine fumbling such a successful start to a franchise harder than Alien 3 did, and literally right from the start, completely invalidating the second movie and Ripley’s character arc. Generally speaking, the end game of this movie with Ripley was a good idea, on paper, one that I think could have worked. But the execution is so poorly done that it’s a wonder David Fincher got more work after this. (Thank Hollywood he did.) There are so many issues with it that’s difficult to even put into words, but the final sequence of luring the xenemorph into its “trap” is one of the worst planned and shot things I’ve seen in any movie. Not sure we’ll continue on to Alien Resurrection after this, which has equally bad reviews, and Jordan gave a 5.5.


Z 6.25
E 6.5
J 8.0

ZEJ 6.92



