Captain America: Brave New World

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has hit a new low, and I’m sad to say it’s with my favorite character, Captain America. I feel so bad for Anthony Mackie, as this is the worst dialogue the MCU has ever put to screen, and he deserves better. Tying into the oft forgotten Incredible Hulk movie was cool, but Leader was one of the most unsatisfying villains of all time, and as a Tim Blake Nelson stan, that is truly heart-breaking. The changes in process Disney enacted last year to improve the quality of the movies begins with Thunderbolts, thus Captain America: Brave New World is hopefully the last of horrible scripts, but I’ll believe it when I see it.


Please, Marvel, hire me to help your writing room. Good lord. Despite the abysmal dialogue, the story here was entertaining overall and somehow kept me wanting to know more. In the end though, this film felt pretty uneventful compared with other Marvel movies that seem to usually drive the universe forward more.


“You may be Captain America, but you're not Steve Rogers.” -Ross

“You're right. I'm not.” -Sam

Is Marvel dead? We may be getting closer and closer to that reality. A movie which may have been written by AI at points, created a really corny watch. The more I think about it, the worse it gets. Marvel has been slipping slowly over time since it can cut - costs and still get viewership, but we may be getting closer to the last straw (at least for me). Thunderbolts and Fantastic Four have to be better or I may be off the ship. The dialogue in this was horrible, the action was decent, and the CGI was hard to watch at times along with confusing villains and connections to a movie that came out when I was in high school. Overall, if you are down on Marvel this should be a skip, which isn’t fair to the new Captain America, because it isn't Anthony Mackie's fault. Please be better Marvel.


Z 6.25
E 7.0
J 6.75

ZEJ 6.67


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