
The re-watch heading into Deadpool & Wolverine was illuminating, as I’m afraid to say it hasn’t aged well. Having not seen it for probably 6-7 years, my memory of it being this edgy genre-altering borderline masterpiece was nearly erased, as perhaps the edgier side of the superhero world is just better done all-around by something like The Boys or Invincible. Both of which are post-Deadpool, of course, but upon re-watch, much of the humor is actually just kind of teenage LOL-random or sex-based, and neither are done particularly cleverly. Maybe E and I are different now that we’re in our thirties, or maybe comedy just ages poorly sometimes. That said, I do not consider this a BAD movie by any stretch, and still enjoyed the action sequences, and general vibe of the character, and I firmly believe that Ryan Reynolds was BORN to play Deadpool. I am very curious as to how the sequel holds up by comparison, which in my memory was worse than the original, and we’ll likely watch that tonight.


Z 8.0
E 7.5
J n/a

~ZEJ 7.75



