Inside Out 2

Talking with Z & E, I was surprised to remember that the first of this movie came out in 2011. I did not see it in theaters, and I think I saw it a few years after its release. I remembered loving the first one and it definitely put me in my feels. Now that we got to a second one that has more emotions to make it more relatable, it sadly fell a bit from the original. I feel like the story followed the same path as the original, and not in a great way. We got away from headquarters and had to find our way back, with what I feel like was less ‘side quests’ to keep the story moving. With that being said, it is a good story and a great concept. This is a movie that will be extremely helpful I think for every kid growing up. It did fall a little short of the original, but it is still a great movie!


This universe of Inside Out is a tough one for me. As much as I love animation in general, the animation aesthetic of Inside Out 2 is my least favorite. The colors and character’s visual design just doesn’t do anything for me. And that’s tough considering how ingenious the premise is, and how delicately they showcase the emotional development of a child. The sequel is certainly a re-hash of the first movie, with perhaps less care, but again, the lesson from this movie, on that all parents and children can greatly benefit from, that all emotions have their purpose and learning to give them all a healthy balance is so poignant and relevant that it’s still deserving of a watch.


Z 8.0
E 8.5
J 8.75

ZEJ 8.42


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Hit Man