Late Night with the Devil

Saw this at 4 PM on Tuesday at Varsity Theater, which was a choice, as we were the only ones in the theater, and though this wasn't the scariest movie I've ever seen, it was so unnerving that the emptiness of the theater definitely compounded the dread. Absolutely loved this movie. Ellen thinks its a top 5 horror movie for her all-time, and I think I'm probably there too. I was absolutely dialed in for the entire film, transfixed by David Dastmalchian, Ingrid Torelli, and Ian Bliss. All the style choices were perfect, with the found footage and limited but pitch perfect narration. Absolutely loved it.


Great movie. Easily one of the most original concepts for a movie I’ve seen in a long time. It towed the line perfectly between a modern day and classic horror movie, with some of the effects feeling right out of an 80s slasher film. David Dastmalchian absolutely shined as the leading man. For playing a creep in basically everything, he played the relatable talk show host perfectly. And I won’t even go into the thinly veiled commentary on the state of talkshows nowadays. Overall a great film that didn’t overstay its welcome, that had me laughing while also white knuckling my chair and taking deep breaths.

9.0 / 10

-Tony (Guest Rater & Official Tiebreaker)

Z 9.25
E 9.0
J 8.5

ZEJ 8.92


The Long Game


Monkey Man