Madame Web

At no point in the movie was I ever like, wow, this has potential or this is kinda good... her power was interesting to me at one point but then I got confused again and the special effects on a few scenes were cool, but it's bad


E and I usually save the bad movies for Jord but in the case of Madame Web, which seems to be a lock for the Razzies Worst Picture award, and Dakota Johnson may have fired her talent agency over, we had to make an exception, and, boy, did this exceed expectations.

I mean, when a movie delivers lines like:

“Don’t do dumb things.”


“Hope the spiders were worth it, mom.”

or improving the iconic Spider-Man line with:

“When you take on the responsibility, great power will come.”

How can that be considered bad?

I mean, sure, the villain in this is given absolutely zero backstory or explanation of who he is, and, yeah, the three “Spider-Women” who are teased the whole movie that they will get superpowers never do, and yes, Dakota Johnson seems to completely mailing it in the final scenes, but you can’t let those things get in the way of script-writing genius.

Limiting the titular character’s use of her powers to “Duck!” and running into the bad guy with a stolen vehicle, not once, but twice is just utter brilliance that will be difficult to replicate.

I won’t go as far as to call this a masterpiece, like The Room, but it comes darn close. 3/10. Must watch.


Z 3.0
E 3.75
J 4.0

ZEJ 3.58


Edge of Tomorrow

