There Will Be Blood

“I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.” - Daniel Plainview

If you are interested in phenomenal acting in a story-driven film, I don’t know if there is anything better than this film. Daniel Day-Lewis gives an all-time Oscar winning performance that may never be replicated. A story about Daniel Plainview, who shows a ruthlessness that is unmatched. Every second that he is on screen, he controls the scene and shows you that he will stop at nothing to be successful, as given in the iconic quote above. When talking with Z and E, I cannot believe I hadn’t seen it before. They sold it to me along with the 9 Oscars it won. Better late than never!

I have read that some say it is better than No Country for Old Men, which in my opinion it's not really close since No Country is one of my favorite films of all-time, but they are also really different films. You can get lost in the western feel and the fact you have two iconic anti-heros, but they have two completely different themes. What There Will Be Blood does so well is it engulfs you in the ruthless ambition of success, and the darkness that comes with it along with the exploitation of religion and entwines them perfectly. The tension between Daniel and Eli is so strong it created so much anxiety for me on who would win this battle and the movie brings a conclusion that fits perfectly once it all boils over in the end. This movie is a slow burn and forces you to look within the story it's trying to tell. For me, at times it dragged a little, and that is really my only complaint of the film. Overall, if you're looking for an Oscar winning film, look no further than There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day-Lewis's performance is a revelation, and the film's exploration of greed and faith is both disturbing and thought provoking. This is a movie that I missed, but don’t let it be one that you miss!


Z n/a
E n/a
J 9.5

~ZEJ 9.5


Suspiria (2018)

