A Christmas Story
Jord says this is the best Christmas movie, and yet, It’s a Wonderful Life exists, which was curiously missing from his Christmas Movie Bash. 🤔 The humor is mostly timeless, though as a clever satirization of 1940s America to a 1980s audience, it was never meant to be as timeless as it was. The scenes that didn’t age well, maybe you chalk up to it being “a different time”, but they have to be acknowledged. There’s a bit of randomness to this movie as well, and some bizarre pacing to it, but I guess as a narrative told through the eyes of a kid, there’s also a magic to it. As a fellow blonde haired, blue eyed kid, and one who avoided shooting his eye out with his own beloved BB gun, this a movie that will always be near and dear to my own heart.
Has been for years and will continue to be the best Christmas movie out there. Every year I get older, every year I find it funnier.