The Beekeeper

“There are laws for that. Until they fail. Then they've got me.” -Adam Clay

When I first saw a trailer for this movie, I thought to myself “there is no way that this is any good.” Then, over time I heard some murmurs that it is pretty fun. Something I am realizing that I like is movies that do cool things to be cool. That is exactly what this is. A deep story? Great acting? Surprising twist? Well, we have none of that but we do have Jason Statham hook a guy to a truck and have it drive off a bridge. This movie gets a 7.5 because it knows exactly what it is and who it's made for. I had a really fun time. Was a great start to my day when I got rained out of a tee time. If you want a fun action flick, look no farther than The Beekeeper.


Z n/a
E n/a
J 7.25

~ZEJ 7.25



