
“You know the Butcher? That freakin' nutjob that goes around just chopping people up?.... This whole concert? It’s a trap” -Vendor

A movie that I was excited about. A really cool concept that seemed like it could be a ton of fun. Trying to trap a serial killer at a concert. What could go wrong? A lot apparently. Was this the worst movie of recent years like my brother thinks? No. Was it fun if you were willing to look at it through that lens? Undoubtedly. Sadly, it's not what I wanted and what I think a lot of viewers wanted. The movie is extremely corny and definitely drags past its welcome. Along with that, the entire pacing is being thrown off by long shots from musical numbers during the concert. The fact M. Night is helping his daughter out is both cute and cool, but it really does hurt the movie. Ultimately, Trap is a missed opportunity. The premise is undeniably intriguing, but the execution falls flat. It's a shame, as with a tighter script and a clearer focus, this could have been a truly gripping thriller with a director like M. Night. Sadly, we have to continue to wait for him to put out top tier cinema again.


Z n/a
E n/a
J 6.5

~ZEJ 6.5


The Beekeeper


The Firing Squad